
محتوای علمی، آموزشی و تخصصی


محتوای علمی، آموزشی و تخصصی



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چند نمونه از نامه پوششی یا همان Cover Letter

این نامه ها معمولا برای معرفی خود به همراه کارنامک برای نهاد، نشریه یا مجموعه مورد نظر ارسال می شود؛

در اینجا چند نمونه Cover Letter علمی و درست و حسابی برای ارسال مقاله به ژورنال های علمی ISI آورده می شود:

نمونه اول:


[اسم شما]
Your Affiliation وابستگی شما به کدام دانشگاه]



Dear Dr [نام سردبیر]

I/We wish to submit a new manuscript entitled “[نام مقاله]” for consideration by the [journal name.

I/We confirm that this work is original and has not been published elsewhere nor is it currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.

In this paper, I/we report on _______. This is significant because __________.  The paper should be of interest to readers in the areas of __________. 

Please explain in your own words the significance and novelty of the work, the problem that is being addressed, and why the manuscript belongs in this journal. Do not simply insert your abstract into your cover letter! Briefly describe the research you are reporting in your paper, why it is important, and why you think the readership of the journal would be interested in it.

Please address all correspondence concerning this manuscript to me at [email address].

Thank you for your consideration of this manuscript.



قسمتی که به نارنجی درج شده یعنی: با کلمات خودتان درباره نوآوری، اهمیت و مساله ی مقاله تون بنویسید.و اینکه ربط مقاله ی شما با اون مجله چی هست. هرگز چکیده را در کاور لتر نیاورید!!!
اما، نمونه ای ضعیف و غیرقابل قبول از این دست نامه ها که در سایت Springer به عنوان مثال قید شده است، هرگز اینگونه ننویسید:
Dear Editor-in-Chief,
I am sending you our manuscript entitled “Large Scale Analysis of Cell Cycle Regulators in bladder cancer” by Researcher et al. We would like to have the manuscript considered for publication in Pathobiology.
Please let me know of your decision at your earliest convenience.
With my best regards,
Sincerely yours,
A Researcher, PhD
نمونه کاور لتر دوم:

Dear Dr. Editing,

I am writing to submit my article entitled ‘A Bibliography of Hoccleve Studies from the Fifteenth Century to 2017: Patterns of Readership and Response’ for publication in the Journal of Analytical Middle English Bibliography. This manuscript is based on a chapter of my doctoral thesis, supervised by Dr Hoccleve Specialist, and has not been published or submitted elsewhere for consideration.

I believe this manuscript is appropriate for the Journal of Analytical Middle English Bibliography because it combines a complete list and critical summary of previous studies with an in-depth analysis of not only individual contributions, but also the larger patterns of scholarship and their possible significance through the centuries. As I argue in the paper, the autobiographical nature of Hoccleve’s writing and the bouts of madness he claims to have experienced are topics upon which perspectives and approaches swing on a particularly long pendulum. Shifts in opinion regarding the literary quality of Hoccleve’s poetry are similarly striking. Current trends and the annotated Hoccleve bibliography will likely prove of special interest to many of your readers, enabling future research and encouraging scholarly self-awareness.

If you decide to consider the manuscript for publication, I suggest the following two experts as qualified reviewers:

Dr. Medieval Scholarship
Professor of English, Southern University

Dr. Manuscript Expert
Director of Medieval Studies, Northern University

Many thanks for your time and consideration. I look forward to your response.


Joe Student

Joe Student
Ph.D. Candidate and Teaching Assistant
Department of English
University of the Western Shore


نمونه کاور لتر سوم:

Dear Dr Botanist,

I am delighted to submit an original research article entitled ‘LED Lights Increase Vitamin C Content in Greenhouse Cherry Tomatoes’ for publication in Growing Our Greenhouse: A Journal of Current Research. My colleagues and I at the Private Plant Research Institute in Coquitlam conducted the research and coauthored the manuscript; a full list of the names and affiliations of all ten coauthors is attached. We have all approved the manuscript for submission to Growing Our Greenhouse, and I have been chosen as the corresponding author.

The article is particularly appropriate for the journal’s section dedicated to the cultivation of fruits and vegetables. It is, in fact, a continuation of the research presented in our article ‘Can LED Lights Really Replace the Sun for Tomatoes?’ which was published in that section of Growing Our Greenhouse two years ago. Then we were analysing the results of our first two seasons of growing tomatoes under LED lights. One of the unexpected discoveries we made as we determined which plants and lights produced the best results was that vitamin C content appeared to increase when the ripening fruit was exposed to LED light.

The research reported in the manuscript I am submitting today was designed to investigate further the apparent increases in vitamin C. Its methodology is similar to that of our earlier study, but we used only those cherry tomato plants that we had already shown could thrive under LED lights. We also established a larger number of experimental groups to explore the effects of variables such as light colour, light intensity, hours of exposure, ambient temperature and presence or absence of sunlight. Our findings were convincing to say the least, with vitamin C content doubling and sometimes trebling in fruit exposed to additional LED light. Even fruit given only LED lighting and deprived of all natural sunlight far exceeded the vitamin C content of those tomatoes exposed to natural sunlight alone.

We trust that your readers will find our hands-on empirical method as effective as they have in the past and benefit from our practices and discoveries as they grow and experiment in their own greenhouses.

Thank you for your continuing interest and consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Jane Researcher

Jane Researcher
Research Director, Private Plant Research Institute

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